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Hello, I'm Alin,

Fullstack Developer building (and breaking) dynamic websites and web applications with performance and simplicity in mind.


What are component based interfaces

They are based on building User Interfaces using small modules, named components. Development starts from bottom to top, starting from the components that serve small functionalities.


Are you interested in a collaboration?

I can create projects from web/mobile applications to brand identities. If you are interested in a collaboration you can send me a message and we can discuss about the solution that I can offer for your needs.

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Web and mobile projects

Check out my web and mobile projects. Projects can vary from client to client, depending of their needs. Those can be built with many technologies, from good old Wordpress to JAMSTACK.

UI/UX Design and Brand Identity projects

Check out the UI/UX Design prototypes and Brand Identity projects that I've done for clients and for my personal development.


Courses and tutorials about the technologies I love to work with and with the ones I am learning about. Building websites using Wordpress, GatsbyJS, NextJS and many more. Building user interfaces and fully functional prototypes.



I send useful resources about development and UI/UX.